Ko Ngā Waiata Tuarua mp 3 - for centres
The newest in the Ko Ngā Waiata range. This version is for early childhood centres, play groups, Play Centre, and day cares. Anywhere that isn't used personally by whānau/families.
The album contains 10 songs – Bilingual versions of Ma is White, Five Little Ducks, Old MacDonald, Tēnā koe, One Finger One Thumb, Thank You God, One Little Finger, along with three full Te Reo songs, Te Aroha, E Rere Taku Poi, and Tō mati, kōnui (One Finger One Thumb).
We know this will become a favourite of whānau/families and tamariki/children throughout Aotearoa, with the energetic feel of the songs, the beautiful harmonies, and fun lyrics.