Learning Together with rhyme pad
The Learning Together with rhyme pad is full of activities to do with your child that will help them learn. And also will create moments of delight as they chat, smile and giggle with you. Perfect for an under 5 year old. A wonderful way to connect with your child while your baby or toddler is sleeping and you need a quiet but engaging activity (that's a win!).
The rhymes featured are: This is the Beehive, Round and round the garden, 5 currant buns, and Hello Teddy.
24 pages of delight along with two pages of stickers. The stickers increase your child’s fine motor skills, colour and shape recognition, counting, imagination and more. These are rhymes enjoyed at mainly music and mainly play. At home, this resource helps you delve into each rhyme further, learning with sensory, literacy, and craft options. As well as a gorgeous activity for at homes, this is a beautiful gift to post overseas to family or friends.
Plus you’ll find some affirmation stickers to use as your child finishes their work and enjoys the success of completing their activity.